

汉译英 帮忙翻译一下 我急用!

2021-05-16 17:20:41 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:126


(我的积分只有8分)rn1882年,朝鲜使臣朴泳孝和金玉筠即将出使日本,临行前向中国清朝北洋政府请求将中 国的龙旗作为国旗使用,北洋政府回覆称藩属国不能用五爪龙旗只能用四爪龙旗。由於当时 朝鲜当局对日渐没落的清廷已经有些不买账了,所以接受清廷的要求。其时奉李鸿章之命出 使朝鲜的中国使节马建忠(中国近代大语言学家,当时和其兄复旦大学创始人马相伯一起出 使朝鲜)建议朝鲜政府采用中国传统的太极八卦旗作为国旗使用,这个建议得到了朝鲜政府 的采纳,所以,最早的朝鲜国旗是一面不折不扣的白底黑色图案的太极八卦旗。后来,一名 英国驻朝鲜的使节用西方美学的角度为这面太极八卦旗做了修改,去掉了八卦中的四卦,把 剩下的四卦斜向对称拉伸,使整个国旗图案呈长方形,把阴阳鱼图案改为红蓝两色,这样才 有了现在我们看到的韩国太监旗。 当然这面改进型的太监四卦旗的来历在韩国一定要被忽略掉,大韩民族的国旗怎麼可以是两 个外国人设计的?所以才有了那个"灵机一动"的版本。
In 1882, North Korea envoy Yongduk Xiao Jin-jun and the forthcoming diplomatic mission to Japan, before his departure to the Chinese request of the government of the Qing Dynasty to the Qing China's flag as the national flag-use, the Northern response, the government said Feudatory States can not be used in day-long flag with only four claws of the dragon flag. As the North日夏养花网 Korean authorities to gradually decline Ching had some not go, so accept the imperial demands. When Feng Li Hongzhang its orders of the Chinese ambassador to North Korea envoys Ma Jianzhong (China Modern linguists large, older brother and Fudan University founder Ma Xiangbo together ambassador to North Korea) recommended that the government adopt the traditional Chinese Tai Chi nosy use of the flag as the national flag, the proposal had been adopted by the Korean government, , the first Korean national flag is a white black letter of Tai Chi octagonal logo flag. Later, a British ambassador to North Korea with diplomats from the Western aesthetic point of view of this flag-Tai Chi nosy made changes and removed the titillation of four downs, and the remaining four downs oblique symmetric stretching, the entire rectangular flag design submissions, yin and yang fish patterns into two colors red and blue, so now we can see eunuchs Korean flag. Of course, the eunuchs surface modified four Gua the origins of the flag in South Korea must be ignored, and the Korean national flag is how can the design of two foreigners? Hence the word "whimsical" version.

请高人帮忙翻译一下 急用 在线等 汉译英

美国民主党总统候选人奥巴马11月4日赢得美国大选,将成为美国历史上第一位黑人总统。 rn 奥巴马的身份,本来是无法成为美国总统的。一般美国黑人(所谓非洲裔美国人)的祖先是来自非洲的黑奴,但在美国已经生活了几代,也逐渐生成了一些精英,过去黑人精英主要是在体育与娱乐圈,90年代以来,以前国务卿鲍威尔将军和现任国务卿莱斯为代表的政治精英,开始进入决策圈,尽管还是少数。美国的种族隔离制度在上世纪60年代才完全取消,黑人获得投票权和进入政坛,只有四十来年的历史。 rn 奥巴马的父亲是来自非洲肯尼亚的黑人穆斯林(后来脱离伊斯兰教),其继父是印尼穆斯林,奥巴马本人少年时代在雅加达的当地穆斯林社区居住4年并接受教育,之后才回到美国,在夏威夷由白人外祖父母抚养成人。奥巴马受洗为基督教,是受到一位黑人牧师的启发,这位牧师曾经猛烈批评美国的种族隔离制度与霸权主义政策,因而受到主流媒体的攻讦,奥巴马不得不与之切割。美国在九一一之后发动的反恐战争,是以基地组织为代表的伊斯兰极端主义组织为作战对象的,伊斯兰世界相当一部分人与美国对立。奥巴马的这一背景本来是很容易被对手抹黑与利用的,结果没有出现这种情况。www.rixia.ccrn 奥巴马当选总统不可能从根本上改变美国的基本制度,也不可能改变瓦斯普控制大部分财富与媒体的现实,而且作为一个混血儿但被视为黑人的总统,他执政之后必然面临着更大的来自黑人和其他非瓦斯普族裔的压力,而他只能主要依靠白人精英和幕僚。能否成功应对金融海啸,使美国经济走上正轨,是奥巴马政府的当务之急。 rn 有人认为,只要奥巴马当选就能马上使美国在国际社会加分,此话不无道理,其前提是布什任内失www.rixia.cc分太多,特别是在欧洲与非洲、拉丁美洲。奥巴马只要放弃布什的单边主义,就能得分。然而,布什的政策符合美国石油资本、军工财团的利益,奥巴马如何处理与这些既得利益集团的关系,既改弦更张又不过于影响这些财团的利益,也是极具挑战性的。
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on November 4 to win the U.S. presidential election, will become the first black U.S. president.

Obama's identity, would have been unable to become President of the United States. African-American general (the so-called African-Americans) are the ancestors of black slaves from Africa, but has lived in the United States for generations, gradually generated a number of elite black elite in the past primarily in the sports and entertainment business, since the 90's In the past, General Secretary of State Colin Powell and current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, represented by the political elite started to enter the decision-making circles, though still a minority. The apartheid system in the United States in the 1960s was completely abolished, black people have the right to vote and enter the political arena, only 40 in the coming year history.

Obama's father is from Africa and Kenya's black Muslims (and later divorced from Islam), the Indonesian Muslim stepfather, Obama himself youth in Jakarta residence of the local Muslim community access to education and 4 years, before returning to the United States In Hawaii by white grandparents adults. Obama baptized as a Christian, was inspired by a black pastor, the pastor has been severely criticized by the United States and the apartheid policy of hegemony, has been the mainstream media attacks, Obama had to cut them. In the United States after the Sept. 11 launch of the war on terror, is represented by al-Qaeda Islamic extremist organizations to combat the target, a considerable number of people in the Islamic world against the United States. Obama's background is very easy to discredit opponents and the use of the result, not the case.

Obama was elected president can not fundamentally change the basic system of the United States, it is impossible to change Wasi Pu control most of the wealth and the reality of the media, but also as a half-breed, but is considered black president, he came to power after facing a bound more From the big black and other non-ethnic Wa Sipu pressure, and he can only rely mainly on the white elite and the staff. The success of the financial response to the tsunami, the U.S. economy on track, Obama is the Government's top priority.

Some people think that as long as Obama was elected in the United States will be able to immediately increase the international community, not unreasonable remark, on the premise that Bush's term of office lost too many points, particularly in Europe, Africa and Latin America. Obama to give up as long as Bush's unilateralism, will be able to score. However, Bush's policy in line with the U.S. oil capital, the military interests of the consortium, Obama and how to deal with the relationship between these vested interests, not only to make a fresh start without too much impact on the interests of the consortium which is also challenging.
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on November 4 to win the U.S. presidential election, will become the first black U.S. president.
Obama's identity, would have been unable to become President of the United States. African-American general (the so-called African-Americans) are the ancestors of black slaves from Africa, but has lived in the United States for generations, gradually generated a number of elite black elite in the past primarily in the sports and entertainment business, since the 90's In the past, General Secretary of State Colin Powell and current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, represented by the political elite started to enter the decision-making circles, though still a minority. The apartheid system in the United States in the 1960s was completely abolished, black people have the right to vote and enter the political arena, only 40 in the coming year history.
Obama's father is from Africa and Kenya's black Muslims (and later divorced from Islam), the Indonesian Muslim stepfather, Obama himself youth in Jakarta residence of the local Muslim community access to education and 4 years, before returning to the United States In Hawaii by white grandparents adults. Obama baptized as a Christian, was inspired by a black pastor, the pastor has been severely criticized by the United States and the apartheid policy of hegemony, has been the mainstream media attacks, Obama had to cut them. In the United States after the Sept. 11 launch of the war on terror, is represented by al-Qaeda Islamic extremist organizations to combat the target, a considerable number of people in the Islamic world against the United States. Obama's background is very easy to discredit opponents and the use of the result, not the case.
Obama was elected president can not fundamentally change the basic system of the United States, it is impossible to change Wasi Pu control most of the wealth and the reality of the media, but also as a half-breed, but is considered black president, he came to power after facing a bound more From the big black and other non-ethnic Wa Sipu pressure, and he can only rely mainly on the white elite and the staff. The success of the financial response to the tsunami, the U.S. economy on track, Obama is the Government's top priority.
Some people think that as long as Obama was elected in the United States will be able to immediately increase the international community, not unreasonable remark, on the premise that Bush's term of office lost too many points, particularly in Europe, Africa and Latin America. Obama to give up as long as Bush's unilateralism, will be able to score. However, Bush's policy in line with the U.S. oil capital, the military interests of the consortium, Obama and how to deal with the relationship between these vested interests, not only to make a fresh start without too much impact on the interests of the consortium which is also challenging.


稍微口语一点,主考官要问这些问题,:rnrn1. 这次活动是谁组织的? rn2. 和谁一起去?rn3. 去美国多久?住哪儿?rn4. 知道具体行程吗?出发和回程时间是哪天?住宿安排?rn 1月24日出发,2月5日从纽约回国,2月6日到京rn5. 活动内容有哪些?rn6. 活动费用是多少?已经交了吗? rn个人情况rn1、年龄多大?在哪个学校读书?几年级? rn2.喜欢什么科目?有哪些兴趣爱好?rn3.喜欢什么运动?哪支球队?rn4.以前出过国吗?去过哪些国家?哪年去的?和谁一起?根据自己的情况回答rn5.为什么想去美国?rn6.父母做什么工作?收入多少?rn7父母去过美国吗?如实回答rn8.在美国有亲属吗?(直系亲属)
1. 这次活动是谁组织的?
Who organized this activity?

2. 和谁一起去?
With whom?

3. 去美国多久?住哪儿?
How long will you be there? Where will you stay?

4. 知道具体行程吗?出发和回程时间是哪天?住宿安排?
Do you know the concrete arrangement? Departure date and Return Date? Accomodation aggrangement?

On Jan. 24, I will leave Beijing, on Feb 5, I will have been in China from New York and on Feb 6, I will appear in Beijing.

5. 活动内容有哪些?
How about the activity?

6. 活动费用是多少?已经交了吗?
How much it costs? Have you paid it ?

Personal Situation

How od are you ? Which school are you studying in? Which grade?

Which subject do you like? Do you have any hobbies? Which ones?

Which Sports do you like? Couled you introduce a sports team?

Have you been to a country besides yous? With whom? When? Answer these questions in accordance with your personal situations.

Why do you want to go to America?

What your parents do ? What about the salary?

Have your parents been to America before? Answer it frankly.

Do you have relatives? (immediate relatives/direct relatives)


1. 这次活动是谁组织的?
Who orgonizALjRwfTDFEes this movement?
2. 和谁一起去?
Whom are you going with?
3. 去美国多久?住哪儿?
How long are you going to stay for? Where to live?
4. 知道具体行程吗?出发和回程时间是哪天?住宿安排?
What's the detailed schedule? Which day do you leave and go back? Where to live?
start off on 24th,Jan. Return from Newyork on 5th,Seb, get to Beijing on 6th, Seb
5. 活动内容有哪些?
What's this movement about?
6. 活动费用是多少?已经交了吗?
How much do you pay for it? Already paid or not?
How old are you?
Where to go to school?
Which stage?
Which courses do you like?
Any hobbies?
What kind of sports do you like? Which team?
Have you ever been abroad?
Which coutries have you been? When? With who?Ac日夏养花网cording to you situation.
Why do you want to go America.
What do your parents do? How about their income?
Have they been to America? Tell the truth.
Any family in America(immediate family)
1) Who organized this activity?
2) with who?
3) How long are you going to America?Where are you going to live?
4) Do you know the detailed schedule? When are you leaving and coming back? How about your accommodation?
(Leaving on January 24th, coming back to China on February 5th, arrive at Beijing on the 6th)
5) What are the activities about?
6) How much does the activity fees cost? Did you already pay?

1) How old are you? Where do you go to school? What grade are you in?
2) What subjects do you like? What are you interested in?
3) What sports do you like? Which team?
4) Have you being outside of this country before? Which countries? What years? With who? Response according to your situation.
5) Why do you want to go to America?
6) What jobs do your parents have? How much do they earn?
7) What your parents being to America? Answer truthfully.
8) Do you have close relatives in America?

*有时候他们会用 United States 来代替 America (美国).
1. This time activity is who organization?
2. Who go together with?
3. Go to the United States how long?Live where?
4. Do you know a concrete route of travel?Setting out with return journey time is which day?Accommodation arrangement?
January 24 sunrise hair, February return to country from New York for 5 days, February 6 day arrive city
5. What movable contentses are there?
6. How much is the movable expenses ?Have you already handed over?
Personal circumstance
1, age many big?Which school study at?Several grade?
2.Like what category?Which interests love?
3.Like what sport?Which ball team?
4.Does the past lead a country?Have been to which nation?Which year go?Who together?Basis oneself of circumstance answer
5.Why want to go to the United States?
6.What work do the parents do?How much is income?
Have 7 parents been to the United States?Such as solid answer
8.Is there relatives in the United States?(Next of kin)


本文标题: 汉译英 帮忙翻译一下 我急用!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/118525.html





