


2021-04-29 10:18:36 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:153


Go up the rest of the stairs and shoot the guard, then ascend and enter the rnnext floor. Run forward and you’ll get a cutscene involving a cook and a rnguard. The guard has no purpose in your mission, so forget about him, and rnquickly headshot the cook. Turn left and start down the next hallway. rnYou’ll pass by a ladder on the right before coming to a hallway branching rndown to the right. Go to the end of it and grab the Spyder machine gun from rnthe box, then go back to the main hallway. On the left wall is a door that rnleads into the kitchen. Go inside. Switch to the HK-5 machine gun, then rnturn left. Go forward and into the actual cooking part of the kitchen, and rngo to the red wall at the end to find a dumbwaiter. Press the action button rnto take it up into the captain’s quarters. Pointless checkpoint time. rnrnRun forward to the low-sitting table between the green chairs and grab the rnshipping manifest to get another checkpoint. rnrnTurn right and go over to the door leading into the hallway. Stand to the rnleft of it and switch into a pop-out position so you can see outside. The rncaptain will round the corner and head towards his quarters. Shoot a round rnor two into his head for a checkpoint, then quickly gun down the guard who rnsometimes asks if he’s all right.







攀登台阶的剩余和射击卫兵, 然后登高和进入
下个地板。 奔跑向前和您将得到cutscene 介入厨夫和a
卫兵。 卫兵没有目的在您的使命, 如此忘掉他, 并且
快headshot 厨夫。 向左转和开始在下个走廊下。
下来在右边。 去末端的它和劫掠Spyder 机枪从
箱子, 然后去回到主要走廊。 在左边墙壁是一个门那
主角入厨房。 去里面。 交换对HK-5 机枪, 然后
向左转。 进入今后和厨房的实际烹调部份, 并且
去红色墙壁在末端发现dumbwaiter 。 按行动按钮
采取它入上尉的处所。 无意义的检查站时间。


向右转和转向门带领入走廊。 立场对
上尉意志在附近和头往他的处所。 射击一个圆
或二入他的头为检查站, 然后迅速枪在卫兵下jxYhjDlQ

左边的墙是通往厨房的一个门。走进去。换成HK-5机枪, 完后向左转。继续向前进入厨房的烹饪区域,走到尽头处的红色墙找到一个升降机。按动按钮上升到船长的住处。不要在意记录点的时间。
上升楼梯的其它部分而且射击守卫, 然后登上而且进入那
下个地板。 向前的奔跑和你将会使 cutscene 包括一个厨子和一
守卫。 守卫在你的任务中没有目的, 因此有关他忘记, 和
很快地 headshot 厨子。 向左边的转而且开始下来下一个走廊。
下来对权利。 为目的它去而且抓取 Spyder 机枪从
盒子,然后回去主要的走廊。 在左边的墙壁上是一扇门那
进入厨房之内带领。 进入。 转变到 HK-5 机枪, 然后
向左边的转。 变向前和进入厨房的真实烹饪部份之内, 和
在结束去红色的墙壁找 dumbwaiter 。 按行动按钮
进入船长的四分之一之内着手进行它。 不尖的检查站计时。


向右转而且改为进入走廊之内带领的门。 台子到那
进入一个取出- 外面的位置之内的它和开关的左边因此你能外面见到。 那
船长将会把对于他的四分之一的角落和头弄圆。 射击一个回合
或二进入他的头之内对于一个检查站, 然后很快地击毙守卫
上升楼梯的其它部分而且射击守卫, 然后登上而且进入那
下个地板。 向前的奔跑和你将会使 cutscene 包括一个厨子和一
守卫。 守卫在你的任务中没有目的, 因此有关他忘记, 和
很快地 headshot 厨子。 向左边的转而且开始下来下一个走廊。
下来对权利。 为目的它去而且抓取 Spyder 机枪从
盒子,然后回去主要的走廊。 在左边的墙壁上是一扇门那
进入厨房之内带领。 进入。 转变到 HK-5 机枪, 然后
向左边的转。 变向前和进入厨房的真实烹饪部份之内, 和
在结束去红色的墙壁找 dumbwaiter 。 按行动按钮
进入船长的四分之一之内着手进行它。 不尖的检查站计时。


向右转而且改为进入走廊之内带领的门。 台子到那
进入一个取出- 外面的位置之内的它和开关的左边因此你能外面见到。 那
船长将会把对于他的四分之一的角落和头弄圆。 射击一个回合
或二进入他的头之内对于一个检查站, 然后很快地击毙守卫
继续上楼梯,干掉卫兵,然后上到另一层。向前跑,场景切换,看到一个厨师和一个卫兵。那个卫兵跟你的任务无关,别去管他。立刻把那个厨师爆头。左转,走到下一个走廊。在你走到一个向右分叉的走廊之前,你会在你的右边看到一个楼梯。走到尽头,从箱子里拿到Spyder机枪,再回到主干道。左墙有一扇门,通往厨房。进去,换HK-5机枪,左转。向前走,到厨房的烹饪区域,到尽头的红墙处找到送饭菜的小升降机。 按下运行键进去,去船长室。没得说,又是一个存档点。



200分求 一篇简单英文文章的翻译

The wunderkind gas trader

John Arnold has made billions as an energy-trading phenom. But the rules of his game are about to change.


约翰-阿落德已经在天然气交易中赚到将近10亿. 但是他32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333239313438们的游戏规则正在发生改变.

(Fortune Magazine) -- You could hear John Arnold trying to choose his words carefully. Seated at a conference table inside a drab government building in Washington, D.C., in August, Arnold hardly fit the stereotype of a swaggering, 35-year-old billionaire natural-gas trader.

翻译: (财富杂志)--- 你可以听到约翰-阿罗德小心翼翼的选择自己的用词. 他正在参加一个会议,这个会议在位于美国华盛顿的一个土褐色的政府大楼里召开. 在8月, 约翰-阿罗德几乎成为一个35岁进行天然气贸易的亿万富翁.

He wrung his hands as he waited to speak and twisted his wedding band. He filled, and refilled, and re-refilled his water glass. Then he stuttered a bit before he gained momentum and politely advocated rules that would restrict others while allowing him to keep doing what he does.

翻译:他扭动着他的手和他的领结,正在等待着发言. 他几次用水加满了他的杯子,接着,他结结巴巴的说了一些话,客气的提倡着一些规则,这些规则是限制其他人,从而允许他继续他的工作.

It was a rare public appearance for one of the least-known billionaires in the U.S. But the stakes were high. Arnold was testifying at a hearing of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).


Commodity prices have been especially volatile in recent years -- skyrocketing and then crashing to earth -- and the federal regulator is considering dramatic rule changes to rein in speculators, whom many blame for the gyrating prices.


Arnold would tell you -- if he were inclined to tell you anything (and he rarely is) -- that he's a speculator. He might say, though, that that's not a bad thing to be. But call him what you want -- nobody has profited more when it comes to natural-gas trading in recent years.

翻译:阿罗德会告诉你---他会倾向于告诉你一些事情---他是一个投机者. 他可能会说,会想做一个投机者不是一件坏的事情. 但是在最近几年没有人再能获得更多的利益当天然气贸易变成了国家天然气贸易.

His Houston-based hedge fund, Centaurus Energy, which manages more than $5 billion in assets, has never returned less than 50% in seven years of business.


Arnold's wealth reportedly constitutes a large chunk of the fund, which would make him the second-youngest self-made multibillionaire in the U.S. -- behind Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg (assuming you believe the social-networking company's theoretical valuation).


Arnold has the brain of an economist, the experience of a veteran gas man, and the iron stomach of a riverboat gambler. Perhaps most notable, though, is his uncanny ability to extract colossal profits from catastrophic circumstances.

翻译:阿罗德拥有经济学家的大脑,老道的天然气贸易商的经验,以及赌徒般巨大的胃口. 也许最值得关注的是,他让人吃惊的能力,这个能力能在灾难的环境中吸收财富.

He began his career as a wunderkind twentysomething trader at Enron -- and escaped thjxYhjDlQat disaster not only with his reputation intact but also with the biggest bonus given to any employee, which he used to seed a new fund.


A few years later he earned $1 billion betting that natural-gas prices would go down just as a reputedly brilliant gas trader at Amaranth made a spectacularly disastrous bet in the opposite direction. More recently, as the commodities bubble burst in 2008, taking even more fund managers with it, Arnold foresaw the looming collapse and once again nearly doubled his money.


But now he faces the biggest test of his career. His mojo relies on his ability to make enormous bets. The CFTC, however, has vowed to impose trading limits that would target the industry's largest players. That, say observers, could be a dose of kryptonite for the supertrader.












2:31Engineering 0:00 /气候变化的主要原因












































当然,这个人是路西公开声明。阿诺,相比之下,几乎是在危险成为那种人出现在福音中气体能源贸易,就象他的电视广告和其他同事的t Boone德州为抑郁母亲风和天然气。在商标服饰,阿诺德是住在幕后工作如何利润来自未来的灾难。
(财富杂志) -你可以听到约翰阿诺德要小心选择他的话。在内部62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333239313464,在华盛顿特区,单调的政府在8月,阿诺德建设会议桌坐难以适应一个狂妄自大,35岁的亿万富翁的天然气交易商的刻板印象。




阿诺德会告诉你-如果他倾向于告诉你们(他很少如此) -他是一个投机者。他可能会说,虽然,这不是坏事,是。不过,叫他你想要的-没有人获利更多的当谈到天然气贸易近年。





几年后,他获得了十点〇 〇亿美元赌天然气价格将会下降,正如在Amaranth的天然气交易商据说辉煌作出相反的方向引人注目灾难性的赌注。最近,作为2008年商品泡沫破灭,同时也带走了,甚至更多的基金经理,阿诺德预见到即将到来的崩溃,再次接近翻番,他的钱。


0:00 /14:31:00工程气候变化




如果像天然气生产商切萨皮克能源(清洁香港, 财富500强)担心,价格将低于一定水平,例如,它可以使我们这样一个半人马座,将支付商定数额的,如果价格下跌的对冲基金的交易。但是,如果他们去了,杰森已经付出。




2000年,但是,国会通过了商品期货现代化法案,允许合同挂钩的商品,在大量的交流,引发了电子天然气贸易的繁荣。 (法律被称为“安然漏洞”,以沉重的游说,当时由于能源交易巨头。)阿诺德早期的贸易经验,让他到天然气的需求了解客户在全国各地,借给他一优势虚拟交易起飞。

阿诺德结合了愿意作出巨大的举动知识。事实上,半人马座挣一巨大的少数行业绝大部分的利润份额。 “他才真正提出一个实质性的贸易一次或两次,一年”,一位基金人士熟悉。 “但是,当他它了,他就是这么大的财富,他让每一次。”






但随着赛季的推移,气象专家预测,开始冬季气候温和,价格向下翻转。 Amaranth的交易天才开始出血布赖恩亨特钱,面对保证金一度30亿美元。







“我们并不感到震惊,当他开始使他的十亿美元,说:”教授斯蒂芬扣子。阿诺德毕业三年在安然公司工作,然后是招募四,五个来自范德比尔特顶端econ专业每年。 (他的弟弟马修还曾在安然公司。)

这是在休斯顿的能源公司,在恒星的交易员名册,即阿诺德真正开花,成为90年代后期高薪明星监护。在安然公司的天然气交易前台办理合同总额超过10亿美元一天,当他在25岁左右,单只阿诺德据说收入将近$ 750安然公司在2001年万美元。一位同事称他为天然气的“国王”。



一个行业是典型的-的详细内容,来自法院申请后超过价格争端。 2005年,领先个月的飓风季节,半人马座进入了“浮动掉期与制作”英国石油公司(英国石油公司)。



“他们是持枪歹徒,”一位律师,谁与BP公司合作在时间。 “当你有这么多钱,你就可以一蹴而就,当别人买进卖出,始终胜利。”





阿诺德购买的机票看到戴夫马修斯乐队和U2,并按照休士顿太空人和英格兰超级联赛的足球。 (他仍然扮演着一个男人的每个周末足球联赛。)谈到他与他的同事得到的饮料,与他的母亲和弟弟的家庭度假计划。


今天,阿诺德可以负担一点狂妄和对美好生活的很多。他和妻子劳拉-一个耶鲁法学院毕业生谁曾先后在厂房律师事务所Wachtell Lipton和启动能源勘探公司-是现代艺术收藏家,并已成为慈善人士称为。

他们捐赠了7亿美元的家庭基础,通过提供资金的组织运行的特许学校称为基普学院阿诺德的董事会成员,服务。劳拉最近加入了美国的教板。 “一旦你过去也有一定的收入水平,”阿诺德说,在一个范德比尔特校友活动的朋友,“这是对慈善事业的。”





阿诺德在2006年成立的农工商能源,它雕刻了战舰一系列地下盐丘内的存储大小洞穴。 “这是一个投机发挥相反-这是一个宝押在未来的市场需求,”劳拉说卢斯,前安然公司的阿诺德谁运行风险的同事。



我是楼主。竟然不能补充问题。所以我换一个号上来了。翻译好的可以发到工邮箱:ou_ding@yahoo.com.cn 非常感谢!


达人们,请分成独立的26条翻译,谢谢rn1含不饱和脂肪酸,提高脑细胞活力促进神经单元发展。rn2含维生素,加强生理功能改善心脏功能。 rn3含牛磺酸,影响代谢满足视觉细胞发展需要。 rn4含微量元素,调节内分泌状态增强免疫力。 rn5含抗氧化剂,对抗自由基增多延缓衰老。 rn6含蛋白质营养素,刺激肌肉发展提升耐力。 rn7含必需脂肪酸,增加脂质流动性维持皮毛光滑。rn8含植物元素,帮助消化并使尿液保持弱酸性。 rn9高钙配方,有效加快骨骼生长。 rn10低镁配方,有效防止尿道结石形成。 rn11颗粒硬度适合清洁口腔卫生延缓牙结石形成。 rn12颗粒形状满足口型及牙齿。rn13促进所有重要器官的发育。rn14帮助消化系统健康消化。rn15提高自然免疫力抵抗疾病。rn16是各种有机物质高温氧化剩余物的总称。rn17是各种未溶解碳水化合物的总称。rn18是氯化钠的立方结晶体rn19指存在于内部的水rn20指必需的金属类型元素rn21指必需的非金属类型元素rn22是含硫的非蛋白氨基酸rn23是各种肽链所组成生物分子的总称rn24是各种脂溶性物质的总称rn25具体产品可能包括更多成分。rn26灰分的主要成分还包括金属元素,非金属元素。

Contains unsaturated fatty acids, enhances the vitality of brain cells and boosts the development of neural units.
Contains vitamins, strengthens the physiological functions and improves cardiac functions.
Contains taurine日夏养花网, influences metabolism to meet the development needs of visual neurons.
Contains microelements, regulates endocrinosity and enhances phylactic power.
Contains antioxidant, confronts the increase of free radicals and delays aging.
Contains protein nutrients, stimulates muscular development and promotes endurance.
Contains essential fatty acids, increases lipid fluidity and maintains smoothness of skin and hairs.
Contains plant elements, helps digestion and maintains the weak acidity of urine.
High-calcium formula, effectively accelerates bone growth.
Low-magnesium formula, effectively prevents the formation of urethral calculus.
Suitable hardness of granules, maintains oral hygiene and delays the formation of dental calculus.
The granule shape satisfies mouth shapes and teeth.
Promotes the development of all vital organs.
Helps the healthy function of the digestive system.
Raises the natural immunity to resist diseases.
The generic term for the high temperature oxidation residues of various organic matters.
The generic term for various non-dissolved carbohydrates.
The cubic crystalline solids of sodium chloride
Refers to the existence of internal water
Refers to the essential metallic elements
Refers to the essential non-metallic elements
Non-protein amino acid with sulphur content
The generic term for biomolecules composed by various peptide chains
The generic term for various fat-soluble substances
Specific product may include more ingredients
The major compositions of ash content also include metallic and non-metallic elements.

1 含不饱和脂肪酸,提高脑细胞活力促进神经单元发展。

1. Containing unsaturated fatty acid which helps to enhance the vatality of brain cells and promote the development of neural cells as well.

2 含维生素,加强生理功能改善心脏功能。
2. Containing vitamins which help to strengthen physiological functions and improve your heart.

3 含牛磺酸,影响代谢满足视觉细胞发展需要。
3. Containing taurine which contributes to metabolism and growth of visual cells.

4 含微量元素,调节内分泌状态增强免疫力。
4. Containing trace elements which help to regulate endocrine and enhance immunity.

5 含抗氧化剂,对抗自由基增多延缓衰老。
5. Containing antioxidants which help to prevent free radicals from increasing and delay aging.

6 含蛋白质营养素,刺激肌肉发展提升耐力。
6. Containing protein which help to stimulate muscle growth and elevate its endurance.

7 含必需脂肪酸,增加脂质流动性维持皮毛光滑。
7. Containing necessary fatty acids which help to improve the mobility of fatty substances and retain the sleekness of hair and skin.

8 含植物元素,帮助消化并使尿液保持弱酸性。
8. Containing vegetal substances which help to better your digestion and rerain the urine under the weak acidity.

9 高钙配方,有效加快骨骼生长。
9.High-calcium formular which can accelerate bone growth effectively.

10 低镁配方,有效防止尿道结石形成。
10. Low-magnesium formula, which can prevent the formation of urethral stone effectively.

11 颗粒硬度适合清洁口腔卫生延缓牙结石形成。
11. The particle hardness is suitable for oral health and delaying the formation of dental tophus.

12 颗粒形状满足口型及牙齿。
12. The particle shape is applicable to mouth shapes and teeth.

13 促进所有重要器官的发育。
13. Enhancing the development of all important organs.

14 帮助消化系统健康消化。
14. Contributing to the healthy digestion of the digestive system.

15 提高自然免疫力抵抗疾病。
15. Improving natural immunity and helpful in resist diseases.

16 是各种有机物质高温氧化剩余物的总称。
16. It is the generic name of various oranic substances and leftovers in high temperature oxidation.

17 是各种未溶解碳水化合物的总称。
17. It is the generic name of various undissolvable carbohydrates.

18. It is the crystal of sodium chloride.

19 指存在于内部的水
19. It refers to the internal water.

20 指必需的金属类型元素
20. It refers to necessary metallic elements.

21. It refers to necessary non-metallic elements.

22 是含硫的非蛋白氨基酸
22. It refers to sulfur-bearing non-protein amino acid.

23. It is the generic name of bio-molecules composed of various peptide chains.

24. It is the generic name of various liposoluble substances.

25. The actual product may contain more ingredients.

26. Main contains of the ash include metallic elements and non-metallic elements as well.
1-unsaturated fatty acids, enhance brain cell activity to promote nerve cell development.

2 containing vitamins, strengthen the physiological functions improve heart function.

3-taurine, the visual impact of cell metabolism to meet development needs.

4 containing trace elements, regulation of endocrine status enhance immunity.

5 containing antioxidants, free radicals increased confrontation aging.

6 protein nutrients, stimulate muscle development enhance endurance.

7 containing essential fatty acids, lipids increase the mobility of fur to maintain smooth.

8 plants containing elements of digestion and help maintain a weak acid urine.

9 high calcium formula, effectively accelerate bone growth.

10 low-magnesium formula to effectively prevent urethral stone formation.

11 particles hardness suitable for oral health delaying clean teeth stone formation.

12 particle shape and meet the mouth of teeth.

13 to promote the development of all vital organs.

14 to help the digestive system healthy digestion.

15 enhance natural immunity to resist disease.

16 are all kinds of high-temperature oxidation of organic material residue of collectively.

Is not dissolved all 17 collectively carbohydrates.

18 is the cubic crystals of sodium chloride

19 refers to the existence of the internal water

20 refers to the essential elements of metal type

21 refers to the necessary type of non-metallic elements

22 is the sulphur content of non-protein amino acid

23 peptide chain is composed of various elements of a generic term

24 is a generic term for all kinds of fat-soluble substances

25 specific products may include more components.

26 Ash also includes the major components of metals, non-metallic element.
With unsaturated fatty acids, enhance brain cell activity to promote nerve cell development.

Containing vitamins, strengthen physiological functions improve heart function.

With taurine, the visual impact of cell metabolism to meet development needs.

Containing trace elements, regulation of endocrine status enhance immunity.

Containing antioxidants, free radicals increased confrontation aging.

Protein nutrients, stimulate muscle development enhance endurance.

Containing essential fatty acids, lipids increase the mobility of fur to maintain smooth.

Plants containing elements of digestion and help maintain a weak acid urine.

High calcium formula, effectively accelerate bone growth.

Low magnesium formula to effectively prevent urethral stone formation.

Particle hardness of oral hygiene for cleaning teeth delay stone formation. Particle shape and meet the mouth of teeth.

Promote the development of all vital organs.

Help the digestive system healthy digestion.

Improve the natural immunity to resist disease.

A variety of high-temperature oxidation of organic material residue of collectively.

All kinds of carbohydrates is not the solution collectively.

Is the cubic crystals of sodium chloride

That exists in the internal water

That the necessary elements of metal type

That the necessary types of non-metallic elements

Is the sulphur content of non-protein amino acid

Peptide chain is composed of various elements of a generic term

Is a generic term for all kinds of fat-soluble substances

Specific products may include more components.

Ash also includes the major components of metals, non-metallic element.
1-unsaturated fatty acids, enhance brain cell activity to promote nerve cell development.
2 containing vitamins, strengthen the physiological functions improve heart function.
3-taurine, the visual impact of cell metabolism to meet development needs.
4 containing trace elements, regulation of endocrine status enhance immunity.
5 containing antioxidants, free radicals increased confrontation aging.
6 protein nutrients, stimulate muscle development enhance endurance.
7 containing essential fatty acids, lipids increase the mobility of fur to maintain smooth.
8 plants containing elements of digestion and help maintain a weak acid urine.
9 high calcium formula, effectively accelerate bone growth.
10 low-magnesium formula to effectively prevent urethral stone formation.
11 particles hardness suitable for oral health delaying clean teeth stone formation.
12 particle shape and meet the mouth of teeth.
13 to promote the development of all vital organs.
14 to help the digestive system healthy digestion.
15 enhance natural immunity to resist disease.
16 are all kinds of high-temperature oxidation of organic material residue of collectively.
Is not dissolved all 17 collectively carbohydrates.
18 is the cubic crystals of sodium chloride
19 refers to the existence of the internal water
20 refers to the essential elements of metal type
21 refers to the necessary type of non-metallic elements
22 is the sulphur content of non-protein amino acid
23 peptide chain is composed of various elements of a generic term
24 is a generic term for all kinds of fat-soluble substances
25 specific products may include more components.
26 Ash also includes the major components of metals, non-metallic element.


工艺品热买,销售精致工艺摆设品(包括玉石精木雕刻品,青铜器,古典装饰品等) rn销售各种名牌运动鞋(包括乔丹系列运动鞋nikeadidas等) rn销售世界名牌服饰(鳄鱼牌/boss等)

Handicrafts for hot sales for exquisite artistic furnishings (including jade \refined wooden carvings, bronzes, classical garnish etc.)

Sales for famous brand athletic shoes (including Jordan series\NIKE \ADIDAS)

Sales for world famous brand fineries (CROCODILE /BOSS etc.)

The hot buy of the handicraft , sell the exquisite craft and furnish products (include the precise wooden carving of \ of malachite, bronze ware, classical ornament ,etc.)
Sell various kinds of famous-brand sports shoes (including Jordan series sports shoes \ nike\adidas etc.)
Sell famous-brand dress of world (crocodile's card / boss ,etc.)
Sale of bibelot!Now laying out the most exquisite ornaments inside!(jade,woodcarving,bronze,classic adornment)
Vendition for famous brands sports shoes.(Jordan,nike,adidas and more)
Vendition for famous brands fineries.(crocodile,boss and more)
The handicraft product heat buys, selling the exquisite craft decoration article( include the jade\ the wood carving Exquisite engraves the article, bronze vessels, classic decorations etc.)
Sale every kind of famous brand athletic shoes( include Joe 丹 series athletic shoes\ nike\ adidas etc.)
Sale world famous brand dress( crocodile card/ boss etc.)
The handicraft product heat buys, selling the exquisite craft decoration article( include the jade\ the wood carving of 精 engraves the article, bronze vessels, classic decorations etc.)
Sale every kind of famous brand athletic shoes( include Joe 丹 series athletic shoes\ nike\ adidas etc.)
Sale world famous brand dress( crocodile card/ boss etc.)
Problem complement:Translate the above words into English

Third floor of you calculated, Kingsoft phrase 霸 who can't use, does the heat sell the heat buys?
Still appear the Chinese characters, your 糊 lane who,200 cents let you to play of
The artifact is hot to buy, selling a fine craft decoration an article(include jade\the extract wood carving engrave an article, bronze vessels, classic decorations etc.)
Sell various famous brand athletic shoes(include Jordan series athletic shoes\nike\adidas etc.)
Sell famous brand dress in the world(the crocodile card/boss etc.)


团队需要合作rn 最近,我听了一场有关团队合作的讲座,主讲人是来自香港的陈大中先生,他曾经在海外任教多年。rn 讲座是以他的名字在大陆和香港的不同发音开始的,他浓浓的粤语口味让我们不是偷笑。讲座很精彩,陈先生为了估计我们的英语水平,经常放慢节奏或者重复自己的话。这让我们十分感动。rn 讲座中,让我印象最深刻的有关龟兔赛跑的新编。我们都知道,在龟兔赛跑的故事里,乌龟凭借自己的坚持不懈战胜了兔子。但是陈先生为这个故事续编了新的故事。在新的故事里,乌龟和兔子在不断的比赛中发现了各自的优点和缺点,选择了合作。在陆地上,兔子跑的快可以带着乌龟,在水里,兔子可以驮着不会游泳的兔子。这样,两个小动物就可以各自发挥自己的优势。rn 这个故事启示我们,个人表现优异固然重要,但只有团队同心协力,共同努力,才会发挥更大的优势。我们每个人,都有自己的优势,但是不可避免,我们都有不足之处,那么,要怎样才能最大限度的发挥我们的优势,避免我们的劣势呢?那就是合作,团队合作。在团队中,我们通过合作,每个人都将自己最优秀的一面展现出来,这样才能取得最大的进步。
Teams Call For Corporation

Recently I attended a speach on team corporation by Mr. Chen Dazhong from Hongkong who had many years of teaching experience aboard.

The speech began with the difference between the Chinese and Cantonese pronunciations of his name. We couldn't help but giggled at his strong Cantonese accent. We are moved by this wonderful speech, in which Mr. Chen slowed down his pace or repeated at some places to meet our English level.

What impressed us most in the speech was the creative telling of the race between tortoises and rabbits. As we all know, the tortoise won over the rabbit with its endless effort in the race. While Mr. Chen continued the story and created a new story. In the new story, the tortoise and the rabbit found their own advantages and disadvantages in the race. They decided to corporate with each other. On the land, the rabbit ran with the tortoise on its back. In the water, the tortoise carried the rabbit who couldn't swim. In this way, the two animals brought their advantages into play.

We learned from the story that only team corporation can make a bigger difference although the individual performance is very important. Everyone of us has our own advantages and also inevitably disadvantages. So how to make the most of our advantages and avoid our disadvantages? The answer is corporation, team corporation. Only by team corporation can we do at our best and make the most significant progress.
The importance of teamwork
Recently, I heard a lecture about teamwork, the speaker was Mr. Chen Dazhong who was from Hong Kong, ang he has taught for many years in overseas now.
The lectures begained with the different pronunciation about his name between mainland and cantonese. we can't help laughing due to his thick Cantonese
It's a wonderful lectures, Due to our English standard was not high, Mr. Chen often slow down or repeat which making us impressed.

The story of the tortoise and the hare impressed me during the lecture. All of people may knowing that the tortoise beat the rabbit because of his endurance. But Mr. Chen write a new story. In the new story,The hare and the tortoise found other's strengths and weaknesses in the game,so they select to cooperation. Then on the land,The hare help tortoise, in the sea, the tortoise help the hare. IN this way,they can do their best.
we can learn from this story that cooperation will play a greater role compared to yourself.Everyone has his or her own strengths and weaknesses, Only through cooperation we can do our best. If everyone in the term can do his best ,we will get a great success.
A Team Needs Collaboration
Recently, I attended a seminar regarding team collaboration, the main speaker was Mr. Dazhong Chen from Hong Kong who has experiences teaching overseas for many years.
He opened the speech by talking about the different pronunciation of his name in Mandarin and Cantonese, his heavy Cantonese accent resulted in numerous giggles from the crowd. His seminar was very exiting. We were touched that he would frequently slow his speech down and repeat his words to compensate for our English proficiency.
My http://www.rixia.ccmost memorable part of the seminar was the part about a tortoise and hare story. As we all know, in the popular story, the turtle won the race through tireless effort and persistence. But Mr. Chen had created a new sequel to this old tale. In the new story, the turtle and the hare, through numerous competitions, discovered the strengths and weaknesses of each other, and agreed to collaborate. On land, the hare can carry the tortoise and still be quick, and in water the tortoise can then carry the hare who cannot swim. This way, both critters can utilize their own strengths.
The moral of the story is, though personal excellence is important, but the only way to fully utilize them is to work together as a team. We all have each of our own strengths and skills, but unavoidably, we also all have shortcomings. So how can we take maximum advantage of our strengths and effectively avoid our weaknesses? By collaborating, as a team. In a team, everyone can show off their most talented side through effective collaboration, that, is the key to innovation.
Teamwork requires cooperation

Recently, I heard a lecture about teamwork, the presenter is Chen Dazhong from Hongkong, he has taught for many years at abroad.

The lecture is to his name in the mainland and Hongkong are different pronunciation begins, his thick Cantonese taste let us not laughing. The lecture was wonderful, Mr. Chen to estimate our English level, often slow down or repeat yourself. It makes us very moving.

During the lecture, what impressed me most about the race between the hare and the tortoise new. As we all know, the tortoise and the hare, tortoise by virtue of their unremittingly against rabbit. But Mr. Chen is the story of a new story. In the new story, the tortoise and the hare in the match is found in the respective advantages and disadvantages, choice of cooperation. On land, the rabbit ran fast with turtle, in the water, swimming bunny rabbit can be. In this way, two small animals can each play their own advantages.

This story tells us, the individual performance is important, but only the team unite in a concerted effort, joint effort, will play a greater advantage. Each of us, have their own advantages, but is inevitable, we all have shortcomings, so, how can we maximize our advantage, we avoid the disadvantages? It is cooperation, team cooperation. In the team, through our cooperation, everyone will be his best side out, so as to make the biggest progress.
Team will need cooperation
Recently, I listened to a lecture on the team cooperation, the speaker is Mr. ChenDaZhong from Hong Kong, he had taught in overseas for many years.
Lecture is his name in the mainland and Hong Kong's different pronunciation began, he thick cantonese taste let us not steal to smile. Lecture is wonderful, Mr. Chen to estimate the our English level, often slow down or repeated rhythm in your own words. It makes us very moved.
Lecture impressed me about the new edition of the tortoise and the hare. We all know, in the story of the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise on their own unremitting win over the rabbit. But Mr. Chen this story is to others a new story. In the new story, the tortoise and the hare consecutive games found their respective advantages and disadvantages, choose the cooperation. On land, the rabbit to run of quick can take the tortoise, in the water, the rabbit can carry the can't swim rabbit. In this case, two small animal could play their own advantage.
This story tells us, personal excellent performance is important, but only team work together, and work together, will play a big advantage. Every one of us, have their own advantages, but inevitably, we all have insufficient place, so, want how to maximum full play to our advantages and avoid our weaknesses? That's cooperation, team cooperation. In the team, we through the cooperation, everyone will be your most outstanding one side show come out, so it can be made the most of progress.
I don't know. 够简单吧


本文标题: 200分的翻译下列成为英文
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/110938.html

上一篇:请问四川的 什么植物?谢谢




