


2021-04-02 00:19:26 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:204


Certainly will feel lonely,
When you not by my side, always miss your face badly.
Distance is an examination,
Measure the troth of love, see if it www.rixia.ccwill realize at end

We are still learning to love
Learn to communicate, learn to forgive, learn not to cry.
When we finally know how to fly
Fly through the dark night and ordeal
The day will graduate from the loneliness

We use bit more pain
to exchange bit more happiness
even if there still has quite a way to the happiness.

When we finally know how to keep patience and giving
This love will must have a certificate
To proof we won't be lonely anymore from now on.

Distance is a test paper, measuring love vows end up not going to happen
Distance is a test paper, measuring the oath love will eventually be realized. 这个更美。
Distance is measured in an examination, the oath will last.


如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会发现 你会压抑 你是我最压抑 最深处的秘密 吃饱撑的没事干 求翻译
if you're willing to find my soul throughout the leaves
you‘ll see
你会压抑 (原文是讶异)
you'll amaze
你是我最压抑 最深处的秘密
you are the deepest scret hiding in the my sea.

If you want a layer of abaring my heart you will find that you will suppress you is my most suppress the deepest secret
If you are willing to peel a layer of layers of my heart you will find that you will be depressed You are my deepest secrets of the mosthttp://www.rixia.cc depressed eat nothing stays dry
you'll be conscious of you as a secret in the deepest heart of mine as you rip out my heart layer by layer.


amaranthrnby nightwishrnlyric made by: duo maxwellrnrnbaptised with a perfect namernthe doubting one by heartrnalone without himselfrnwar between him and the dayrnneed someone to blamernin the end, little he can do alonernyou believe but what you seernyou receive but what you giverncaress the one, the never-fadingrnrain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowrncaress the one, the hiding amaranthrnin a land of the daybreakrnapart from the wandering packrnin this brief flight of time we reachrnfor the ones, whoever darernyou believe but what you seernyou receive but what you giverncaress the one, the never-fadingrnrain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowrncaress the one, the hiding amaranthrnin a land of the daybreakrncaress the one, the never-fadingrnrain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowrncaress the one, the hiding amaranthrnin a land of the daybreakrnreaching, searching for something untouchedrnhearing voices of the never-fading callingrncaress the one, the never-fadingrnrain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowrncaress the one, the hiding amaranthrnin a land of the daybreakrncaress the one, the never-fadingrnrain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrowrncaress the one, the hiding amaranthrnin a land of the daybreak
Baptized with a perfect name 以完美的名字受洗礼
The doubting one by heart 心中的疑虑
Alone without himself 唯独他没有

War between him and the day 他与时代的战争
Need someone to blame 需要人来归罪
In the end, little he can do alone最后弱小的他只能孤独地离去

You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的
You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的

Caress the one 抚慰一个人
The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水
The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪
Caress the one 抚慰一个人
The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花
In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地

Apart from the wandering pack 从流浪的行囊中分离
In this brief flight of time dIdgAwe reach 在www.rixia.cc这时光飞逝的旅程中
For the ones, whoever dare 为了一个人,谁都有勇气

You believe but what you see 你相信你所看见的
You receive but what you give 你接受你所给予的

Caress the one 抚慰一个人
The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水
The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪
Caress the one 抚慰一个人
The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花
In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地

Reaching, searching for something untouched 企及,寻找未曾接触的事物
Hearing voices of the never-fading calling倾听未曾消失的呼唤

Caress the one 抚慰一个人
The never-fading rain in your heart你心中从未消失的雨水
The tears of snow-white sorrow 是雪白色悲哀的眼泪
Caress the one 抚慰一个人
The hiding amaranth 隐藏的永不凋谢的花
In a land of the daybreak 在那片黎明的土地
白苋由做的nightwish抒情诗: 二重奏麦克斯韦 施洗以一个完善的名字怀疑的一个靠单独记意,不用他自己战争在他和天需要某人责备之间在最后,一点他可以单独做您相信,但什么您看见您接受,但什么您给爱抚那个,从未退色的雨在您的心脏-雪白哀痛爱抚泪花那个,掩藏的白苋在破晓的土地除漫步的组装之外在我们为那个到达时间的这次简要的飞行,谁您相信的胆敢,但什么您看见您接受,但什么您给爱抚那个,从未退色的雨在您的心脏-雪白哀痛爱抚泪花 那个,掩藏的白苋在破晓爱抚的土地那个,从未退色的雨在您的心脏-雪白哀痛爱抚泪花那个,掩藏的白苋在破晓的土地到达,搜寻事从未退色的叫的爱抚的未触动过的听力声音那个,从未退色的雨在您的心脏-雪白哀痛爱抚泪花那个,掩藏的白苋在破晓爱抚的土地那个,从未退色的雨在您的心脏-雪白哀痛爱抚泪花那个,掩藏的白苋在破晓的土地


本文标题: 谁能帮我把这段歌词翻译成英文
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/100099.html





